Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Forks over Knives

Get ready for a long one, because I'm discussing nutrition and theology - two of my passions in life. I should also throw out a disclaimer that the religious nature of my blogs is simply a product of learning and growing in my faith. I do not mean to offend anyone or shove my beliefs down the throats of others. This is me simply writing about my life as I see it.

So last night, Matt and I watched the documentary Forks over Knives. I thought it had a lot of really good insights on cancer, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and every other degenerating disease Americans seem to suffer from. It really helped me to contextualize the rate at which these diseases occur compared to other countries in the world. This all leads me to believe what my own mother has been saying all along - our diet of processed foods, trans fats and high fructose corn syrup is the # 1 thing to blame for the aforementioned afflictions our country faces. That, coupled with our insatiable need to eat meat and dairy at every meal, is the source for our debilitating health status.
The doctors and biologists featured in this documentary gave absolutely amazing stats. They have study after study showing that a proper diet of whole foods and plant based meals will prevent cancer cell growth AND eliminate cancer as well. There are statistics that show 18% of our population actually have pre-cancerous cells due to genetics. Which means something else is contributing to the rise of cancer patients we've had since the 1950's. Here's another little fact - The 1950's was the start of "convenience" and fast foods and the push for more milk and meat in our diets. This is also the time in which heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and all that other jazz started to increase. Coincidence? I highly doubt it.

Featured in the documentary were also patients who had undergone heart surgeries and battled cancer - many of them were told to prepare for death. Their medications weren't doing the job and they could expect to die within a year. Not ready to throw the towel in just yet, they searched for a more holistic approach to their problem and found eating a whole foods, plant based diet might just cure every issue they have. And it did. Most of these people took between 2-6 medications a day for their health problems. In months, they cut their medications in half, improved their energy level, and even reversed the diseases they had in the first place.

I'm sorry, but the evidence is so obvious. My own grandfather told me about eight months ago that he was going on this diet. I was surprised - Granddaddy is a meat loving, salt adding, cheese on everything kind of guy. But he had some health issues as men in their 70's often do, and he wanted to cut back on his medications. Today, I think he's lost something like 20 pounds and he is taking less than half of the medications he was taking just a few months ago. He's healthy, he feels great and I'm pretty sure he's added years to his life.

Now for the theological portion. A few months ago, Matt and I decided to cut way back on meat. We're not strictly vegetarian but we realized that we felt better, our skin improved, and we didn't feel as sluggish after meals when we restricted the amount of meat we ate. After praying about it and investigating just what the Bible says about food, we came to the conclusion that we would start a pseudo-vegetarian diet. We reserve meat for when we're eating with our friends and family, but in our house, we don't have any meat (Except the celebratory steaks I bought for Matt). We both felt this diet was closer to what God intended originally. 

Before the fall, Adam and Eve were vegans. They lived in harmony with every living creature and all living creatures lived in harmony with each other.
Genesis 1:29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.
Even the other animals were vegetarians.
Genesis 1:30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.
After the fall, the world order was shifted and the food chain was created. God tells Noah he is free to eat whatever he can.

Genesis 9: 2 The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea. Into your hand they are delivered. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.

It's my belief that God knew as the flood waters receded and Noah's progeny multiplied, the expansion of cultures would bring people to live in extreme conditions (the arctic, the desert etc) and they would not have access to as many plants or grains. Instead, they would need the higher fat and protein from fatty meats for energy to make it through the harsh climates. It is for this reason; I believe we are permitted to eat meat. However, as Americans - most of us don't spend all day outside cultivating the land for food. We don't spend hours of our lives trying to survive. We sit in air conditioned/heated rooms for 8 hours a day (some of us are running around watching children - usually inside as well). Our lives are not difficult (all things considered) and therefore, our diets don't need to be filled with the higher protein and fat dairy and meat provide.
This is all to say, I believe the closer we get to the way things were intended in all things - food, relationships, morals etc - the healthier we are in mind, body and spirit.

Now Matt and I have another step to getting our diet on track - keeping the dairy products to a minimum. This is going to be hard because we love cheese and we use milk daily in cereal, coffee, and cooking recipes. However, I think we can start substituting with almond milk - I hate soy milk so that won't work. I don't think meat and dairy are foods we need to avoid like the plague. There are vitamins and nutrients we can get from both of them, however, the amount and the rate at which we consume these products is too much. I wasn't sold on the dairy thing until I watched this documentary. I still have some questions about it though. I know that goat milk is better for us than cow milk and the majority of the world actually consumes goat milk instead. So I'm curious if goat milk is something our bodies handle better.  Over all I definitely see the benefits of increasing fruits, veggies, and whole grains and decreasing dairy, meat, and animal based oils.

I'm actually excited. Understanding why it's so important to eat this way helps to solidify my reserve to keep cooking this way. By the time we try to start having kids, I want it to be a habit. Right now, we're experimenting with recipes trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. We both have cravings and still eat out more than we should, but I think we have a clearer understanding about food.

If you have Netflix, go watch Knives over Forks. It's streaming for free right now. If you don't have Netflix, find a friend who does and make them watch it with you.

You can also visit for more information and recipes!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I made pesto!

And I finished school! But I'm more excited about making pesto. It's actually super easy as long as you have a food processor and thanks to Kohls (Or, Mizz Kohls as Matt would say) we finally got one! So the great thing about making pesto is that it's super easy, super fast, and super tasty! 

The bad thing about making pesto is that pine nuts are one of the main ingredients and pine nuts are stupidly expensive! The Kroger brand baggie of pine nuts is literally 1/2 cup and roughly $5.50. What's up with that? I haven't looked into where pine nuts are from or why they are so expensive, but my reasoning tells me that pine nuts come from pine trees and pine trees are literally everywhere but the tropics/ deserts/ the amazon... I think. Therefore, the supply of pine nuts should be plentiful and the demand... I'm not so sure about, but I'll tell you what I am sure about - pine nuts are way too freaking expensive. I realize I could Google it really quick and keep myself from sounding as ignorant as I am, but I'll save the real reason pine nuts are so expensive for another blog. 

Anyway, I made pesto and after making my pesto I put about a tablespoonish of it on some leftover rice, along with a little butter, microwaved it for a minute and a halfish and garnished it with goat cheese. I finished off lunch with an orange. It was all very delicious. I wish I had the drive to create new foods everyday instead of sticking with the same old soup and sandwich schtick. Not that soup and sandwiches aren't delicious, but too often, I keep myself from making new foods because other things are more convenient. 

Okay, I want to back up to the part of the paragraph where I was talking about goat cheese. Because I'm obsessed with goat cheese. I'm pretty sure goat milk would be even more disgusting than regular milk (I love all dairy products, I even have milk in my cereal, but I cannot drink white milk by itself without gagging), however, goat cheese is like the ranch of cheese. You can put it on anything and it makes food taste incredible. Put it in a salad with cranberries, use it instead of Parmesan on pasta, smear it on a Triscuit with a cherry tomato a basil.... There are just endless and wonderful things one can do with goat cheese. Too bad it's also more expensive than your average crumbled feta or blue cheese. Oh well. 

In further news, I've finally come to the conclusion that I'm switching my major. Currently I'm doing Public Relations with a minor in history. But I've already re-registered for fall classes with the intention of getting my BA in history with a minor in Medieval and Renaissance studies. I'm EXTREMELY excited about this. I have a passion for history and if Matt can get a salary paying job with a BFA in musical theatre, By God, I can do something awesome with my history degree. 

So yes, Matt did get an AWESOME job offer from the church we attend in Cincinnati. And he excepted (duh) and his first day is May 22. We're pretty excited about this. Crossroads is notorious for taking care of their employees and their families and it shows. We feel so absolutely blessed and its such a perfect confirmation that God works in mysterious and awesome ways. This time last year, we were wondering if I was going to make it out of Taji, all the while questioning why Matt wasn't getting the kind of work he had been told he would get. Well, I'm back from the desert and he's back from LA and I don't think either of us would change anything. We love Cincinnati, we love our community, and there is no doubt in either of our minds that we're right where we need to be. It's a nice feeling. 

I'm jumping around a lot but I have to mention that I finished my first semester back at school and I feel pretty good about it. I ended up with all A's and one B+. I'm very pleased. Summer break couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I'll be ready for classes to start in August but until then, I'm going to enjoy myself!  

Well that's pretty much all I have to say for the day. In a final summation of this blog - I made pesto. It was good, but the price of pine nuts suck. I love goat cheese. Matt got a job - Praise the Lord! And my first semester back at school was pretty sweet.