Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Punch

I don't get it very often. But sometimes homesickness punches me in the face. When we're here, I think the majority of soldiers just dig deep, settle in and let the months roll by. Once the routine is made and the first weeks have passed, its just one day after another like a long and steady march. But sometimes, your rhythmic steps stumble and you find yourself unsettled and upset.  
There isn't anything going on back home that has me upset. There isn't anything here that is overly stressing me out. I'm eating and working out, I'm performing well at work. It's just good ol' homesickness at its finest. I want things to be normal. I'm envious of the statuses on facebook - "Thank God for the weekend!" "I hate writing this paper!" "Only _ weeks until graduation!" -  You know, the normal status of a person in their 20's. Here it is different. A different atmosphere, a different lingo, a different attitude...  And the only escaping is to talk to friends from home, but they're an even bigger reminder of what I'm missing most. So I'll just breath and pray and be comforted that every second passing is another second closer to home. 
I'll probably wake up tomorrow and be fine. If not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. It's hard for me to stay unhappy for long periods at time. I'm generally a happy person, but sometimes - just sometimes, the months ahead feel like years. 


  1. Oh Catie, how we miss you and love you so much. Your faith in God and the love of your friends and family will keep you strong. And yes, tomorrow will be a better day :)

  2. Awwww, don't be a sad lil panda! Be a perky lil chipmunk! You have so many people praying for you and missing you. I think of you all the time and I love you with all of my heart every second of every day.

    You may be homesick, but I'm Catie-sick. (Not like, sick of Catie, but like, you know... missing you, and stuff like that I guess)
