RUNNING. I HATE RUNNING. But I really wish I didn't hate it. Both my brothers are excellent runners. I'm talking 12-minutes-to-run-two-miles kind of runners. And they've been doing it since their little toddlers legs could carry them. And then there's me. The best two mile run I've ever done was 16:15.... in the middle of basic training.... And of course I didn't keep up with running when I got home. Every now and then I go out and run two miles to make sure I can still pass my PT test. And I do pass. But I hate every second of it. Here is my list of why I hate running.
#1 - Do to the over pronation of my feet, my knees turn in slightly when I walk. When I run, its worse and it forces my legs to kick out to the side when I run. As Matt so gently put it, "You look like a baby giraffe learning to walk right after it came tumbling out of its mom." Not only is this slightly embarrassing, I really think it effects how well I run. I think if my arches, feet, and knees were normal, I would have an easier time of things.
#2 - Side stitches. I don't remember the last time I ran and didn't get one. They hurt. It's either a sharp pain right under my rib cage or right around my hip bone. It drives me crazy because even when I feel good running, all the sudden I'll get one, and they're debilitating. I'll feel great for the first 10 minutes of a run, and then WHAM! Side-stitch. My 7:30 minute mile turns into a 9:00 or even 9:30 minutes mile. I get SO frustrated.
#3 - I hate running without music, but to run around here, you can't have ear plugs in unless you run on a treadmill or a track. I hate running on treadmills. I hate feeling like I'm not going anywhere. I hate running on tracks. I hate running in the same spot/in circles for more than 10 minutes.
And those are my main reasons for hating to run. However, there are so many more reasons to keep running!
1# It's good for your heart.
2# It's the best all around work out your body can get.
3# It especially works those lower abdominals that are so hard to form.
4# It's the best way to lose weight and then keep it off (Not a problem for me yet, but one day, I'm going to have children and one day my metabolism IS going to slow down. When that day comes, I want to be in love with running haha)
5# Lots of other benefits that I can't think of off the top of my head.
So if anyone has any running tips for me, I'll take them. Also, if anyone has any great work out songs, send them my way so I can DL them. I'm always looking for new stuff to listen to.
Alright, no more ranting about running.
There has been a baby born on facebook every month for the last four months. And it only looks to be continuing. However, I seem to be short on June babies. Maybe in June, my baby fever will finally start to ebb. But all these super pregnant mama's-to-be and all these brand-spankin-new-bundles-of-baby-joy are only making me want one more! Poor, Matt. I probably mention having a baby at least 5/7 days a week. This is why, when I get home, we will be getting a puppy. That should keep us busy and me content for a year or so. Despite how much I want a baby, Matt and I both know that we need to be financially ready first. Plus, we want to enjoy living in the same continent, state, city, and house for a while. So fortunately for Katie, this means baby Elizabeth will be the most spoiled baby that ever happened to the Earley family. I'm also planning on getting a job doing something with childcare when I get back, even though I swore I would never work at a pre-school/day-care ever again. I still might not... I'd really like to be a part-time nanny. Watching two or three kids is a lot easier and less stressful than watching 6-14 kids (depending on the age group).
Okay, enough about babies.
#1 - Do to the over pronation of my feet, my knees turn in slightly when I walk. When I run, its worse and it forces my legs to kick out to the side when I run. As Matt so gently put it, "You look like a baby giraffe learning to walk right after it came tumbling out of its mom." Not only is this slightly embarrassing, I really think it effects how well I run. I think if my arches, feet, and knees were normal, I would have an easier time of things.
#2 - Side stitches. I don't remember the last time I ran and didn't get one. They hurt. It's either a sharp pain right under my rib cage or right around my hip bone. It drives me crazy because even when I feel good running, all the sudden I'll get one, and they're debilitating. I'll feel great for the first 10 minutes of a run, and then WHAM! Side-stitch. My 7:30 minute mile turns into a 9:00 or even 9:30 minutes mile. I get SO frustrated.
#3 - I hate running without music, but to run around here, you can't have ear plugs in unless you run on a treadmill or a track. I hate running on treadmills. I hate feeling like I'm not going anywhere. I hate running on tracks. I hate running in the same spot/in circles for more than 10 minutes.
And those are my main reasons for hating to run. However, there are so many more reasons to keep running!
1# It's good for your heart.
2# It's the best all around work out your body can get.
3# It especially works those lower abdominals that are so hard to form.
4# It's the best way to lose weight and then keep it off (Not a problem for me yet, but one day, I'm going to have children and one day my metabolism IS going to slow down. When that day comes, I want to be in love with running haha)
5# Lots of other benefits that I can't think of off the top of my head.
So if anyone has any running tips for me, I'll take them. Also, if anyone has any great work out songs, send them my way so I can DL them. I'm always looking for new stuff to listen to.
Alright, no more ranting about running.
There has been a baby born on facebook every month for the last four months. And it only looks to be continuing. However, I seem to be short on June babies. Maybe in June, my baby fever will finally start to ebb. But all these super pregnant mama's-to-be and all these brand-spankin-new-bundles-of-baby-joy are only making me want one more! Poor, Matt. I probably mention having a baby at least 5/7 days a week. This is why, when I get home, we will be getting a puppy. That should keep us busy and me content for a year or so. Despite how much I want a baby, Matt and I both know that we need to be financially ready first. Plus, we want to enjoy living in the same continent, state, city, and house for a while. So fortunately for Katie, this means baby Elizabeth will be the most spoiled baby that ever happened to the Earley family. I'm also planning on getting a job doing something with childcare when I get back, even though I swore I would never work at a pre-school/day-care ever again. I still might not... I'd really like to be a part-time nanny. Watching two or three kids is a lot easier and less stressful than watching 6-14 kids (depending on the age group).
Okay, enough about babies.
I keep telling myself I'm going to start running again after Elizabeth is born. Yeah...we'll see how that goes. ;)